måndag 17 februari 2014


I wrote a fan letter last night. I honestly cannot remember the last time I wrote a letter, let along a fan letter. By hand. With a pen. On paper. *gaspshock*

While I was putting the stationary away I started wavering on whether to actually send the letter or not and it got me pondering the issue of privacy. More specifically privacy for famous people.

Because it seems to be that lives of famous people cease to be their own once they become famous. Every detail of their lives are put under a microscope and commented and critisised. Does that seem right to you? I would be a bit creeped out if complete strangers came up to me on the street, called me by my first name as if we were lifelong friends, and started asking me personal questions. Maybe it is just me?

It just seems backward somehow, that people show their appreciation for their favourite actor/musician/artist/whatever by prying into their personal life. How does that show respect for the person? Would it not be more appropriate to be more mindful of their privacy, since they voluntarily put themselves on display for our entertainment? Again, maybe that is just me.

I did decide to send the letter after all, because I figure a letter gives the recipient the option to either respond or not. Even reading the letter at all is optional, so it takes all pressure out of the situation. If I am lucky, maybe I will get a reply, but if not I will still have conveyed my admiration for their unique skill at entertaining their audience.

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