The last couple of months I have been catching up on TV shows that I never got a chance to watch from the beginning, for various reasons. Right now I am watching "Supernatural" (beginning of season 9 so far) and I have to say, that show hits me right in the feels in so many ways.
I think the main thing I take away from the show is to keep fighting no matter what. That's easier said than done when you have persistant depressive disorder, but I find that the Winchesters and their extended family are an excellent example and, for me, a source of strength to draw on when I feel like I can't keep going.
That extended family is also an inspiration to me, reminding me that family doesn't necessarily mean biological relatives. That's a comfort to me since I keep most of mine out of my life, mainly because they don't understand what I'm going through.
To then find out that the cast is every bit as inspirational as their characters is almost overwhelming. I wish the people around me understood just how deep this hole is that I'm trying to climb out of and just how much it means to be able to draw strength from people like the Winchesters (and Team Free Will), even though they're not "real" people. That's not the point. It's the concept that matters. And really, I'm just happy I can find comfort and strength anywhere, I don't care where it's from, just that it's there.
I wish I was part of a family like that.