A while ago I was at Rara's (owned by Rara Destiny, sweetest voice in SL) and was introduced to a guy called Joel Eilde. Fun guy I thought. Then I found out he performs in SL as well and being a curious person, and a music lover, I made sure to catch a show. And was blown away.
I have said, and stand by, that I believe in magic because I have heard Rara sing. Well, Joel and his band Dragonfly is the dark magic to Rara's light. And I mean this in the best possible way. Just like Rara, Joel's music evokes strong emotions with me, but that's where the comparison ends. While Rara's music is light and smooth and sneaks up on you like a sweet whisper, Joel's is rough-edged and heavy and gets your attention by smacking you right in the face.
Joel is the face of Dragonfly in Second Life. The other members of the band are Andrew Tokuda, Aaron Ferrera and Anwar Khurshid, with MJ Cyr and Olga Zoubkova performing backup vocals on some of the tracks. All those people are behind the scenes, recording some amazing soundtracks that redefine music in it's every form. Bringing it all together is Joel's amazing voice, which can, and does, give you goosebumps in about half a dozen different ways, and his electric guitar which he can evoke such sounds from that it seems to speak.
The sounds these people bring together are a mindblowing experience and attending a Dragonfly performance in Second Life is sure to leave you wanting more. Luckily Joel performs fairly frequently on a regular schedule, and recently has started doing shows at times compatible with those of us in Europe as well. I very strongly recommend catching a show, it will change you.
Dragonfly performs all original songs, with lyrics by Joel that are ultimately deeply spiritual. Don't let that scare you off though, because the music can be enjoyed by everyone, since it ranges from soft ballads, through jazzy numbers, to heavy raw metal sounds.
The band recently released their first album, Amplification, which is a great sample of their style and covers the whole range of genres. If you don't have a Second Life account, you can listen to samples of the songs at the link above, and also buy the whole album for a price that is so low it is almost a joke.
Dragonfly has a facebook page, Dragonfly Live, a Twitter feed #DragonflyLive, and a Second Life group, Dragonfly Music, so you can stalk them all over the Internet and keep track of performances.
Simon says, go take in a show with Dragonfly.
Also, Enjoy your Second Life!
söndag 21 juli 2013
fredag 19 juli 2013
Visst är det underbart att det i allmänhet källsorteras mer och så vidare. Men ibland kan en del faktiskt bli för ivriga i sin arbetsutövning.
Mamma och jag bor i samma hus, ett sjuvåningshus, i ett område där miljöhusen står tätt. Jag bor på tredje våningen och mamma på bottenvåningen, och ut åt den aktuella sidan av huset finns dessutom en "källarvåning" mellan marknivå och bottenvåningen (kan man kalla ett sjuvåningshus för "sousterrain"?). Strax utanför källaringången till vårt hus står miljöhuset, ögonmåttat kanske 10 meter från dörren, om ens det. Bara så ni har en idé om avstånden.
Ett tag nu har mamma klagat på att hon väcks av sophämtarbilen när den kommer klockan fem på morgonen. Jag trodde kanske att hon överdrev en liten anings aning, men tyckte att det var bra att hon kontaktat bolaget och klagat. Vid det tillfället hade hon fått veta att de har enligt avtal inte rätt att köra innanför stadens gränser före klockan 07 (eller kanske var det 07:30?). Dessutom ville de ha bildbevis på överträdelsen för att kunna göra något.
Därvid har det verkat stanna, för jag har inte hört något mer från mamma.
För ett par veckor sedan började jag sova på soffan i vardagsrummet, av olika anledningar. I vardagsrummet har jag ett mindre fönster stående på glänt en liten springa (luft kan komma in, men inte flugor och andra flygfän). Första morgonen vaknade jag väldigt tidigt tyckte jag, klockan var strax efter 05. Först visste jag inte riktigt varför jag var vaken, men sen låg jag tyst ett tag och upptäckte att det bullrade förfärligt. Det var sopbilen. Som väckte mig. På tredje våningen.
Efter flera upprepningar av detta (den kommer två dagar i veckan tror jag, jag har inte fört något schema) fick jag nog och nästa gång jag väcktes av bullret tog jag mobilen i högsta hugg, gick ut på balkongen och tog två minuter video av det hela. Jag kollade, och datum och tid syns tydligt i filinformationen.
Idag var han här igen, och så fort klockan slår 07:30 (deras telefonväxel öppnar) är det jag som ringer och kräver att få träffa personligen någon som kan göra något åt saken, så jag kan visa, ansikte mot ansikte, min video och filinformationen. På så vis kan den inte "komma bort" eller på annat vis förpassas ut i periferin. Det är 46 lägenheter med hyresgäster i det här huset. Det är löjligt att alla dessa människor ska få sin sömn störd bara för att en person inte kan hålla sig till reglerna.
Pust! Ok, nu har jag gnällt färdigt.
Gå inte vilse i universum!
Mamma och jag bor i samma hus, ett sjuvåningshus, i ett område där miljöhusen står tätt. Jag bor på tredje våningen och mamma på bottenvåningen, och ut åt den aktuella sidan av huset finns dessutom en "källarvåning" mellan marknivå och bottenvåningen (kan man kalla ett sjuvåningshus för "sousterrain"?). Strax utanför källaringången till vårt hus står miljöhuset, ögonmåttat kanske 10 meter från dörren, om ens det. Bara så ni har en idé om avstånden.
Ett tag nu har mamma klagat på att hon väcks av sophämtarbilen när den kommer klockan fem på morgonen. Jag trodde kanske att hon överdrev en liten anings aning, men tyckte att det var bra att hon kontaktat bolaget och klagat. Vid det tillfället hade hon fått veta att de har enligt avtal inte rätt att köra innanför stadens gränser före klockan 07 (eller kanske var det 07:30?). Dessutom ville de ha bildbevis på överträdelsen för att kunna göra något.
Därvid har det verkat stanna, för jag har inte hört något mer från mamma.
För ett par veckor sedan började jag sova på soffan i vardagsrummet, av olika anledningar. I vardagsrummet har jag ett mindre fönster stående på glänt en liten springa (luft kan komma in, men inte flugor och andra flygfän). Första morgonen vaknade jag väldigt tidigt tyckte jag, klockan var strax efter 05. Först visste jag inte riktigt varför jag var vaken, men sen låg jag tyst ett tag och upptäckte att det bullrade förfärligt. Det var sopbilen. Som väckte mig. På tredje våningen.
Efter flera upprepningar av detta (den kommer två dagar i veckan tror jag, jag har inte fört något schema) fick jag nog och nästa gång jag väcktes av bullret tog jag mobilen i högsta hugg, gick ut på balkongen och tog två minuter video av det hela. Jag kollade, och datum och tid syns tydligt i filinformationen.
Idag var han här igen, och så fort klockan slår 07:30 (deras telefonväxel öppnar) är det jag som ringer och kräver att få träffa personligen någon som kan göra något åt saken, så jag kan visa, ansikte mot ansikte, min video och filinformationen. På så vis kan den inte "komma bort" eller på annat vis förpassas ut i periferin. Det är 46 lägenheter med hyresgäster i det här huset. Det är löjligt att alla dessa människor ska få sin sömn störd bara för att en person inte kan hålla sig till reglerna.
Pust! Ok, nu har jag gnällt färdigt.
Gå inte vilse i universum!
måndag 15 juli 2013
Second Life - Hair Fair 2013
The huge Second Life Hair Fair started yesterday, but since absolutely everyone and all their friends were trying to get into the Hair Fair sims (four of them) yesterday, I decided to wait for a less laggy day to go. Today was much better and I popped in for a quick grab of the free gifts. Later on I will go back to have a good look around, but for now, let's see what the designers are giving away.
Now, I only picked up the hair gifts, since the few gifts that had mesh clothes were useless to me. But I am sure they are lovely, these are some very talented designers.
[COLORS] had a gift out of their hair 'E', and I was able to resize it handily into a more normal size (for me that is). Very cute pixie-like style, a little ruffled, with asymmetric ends. I will be using this one from time to time for sure. It came in lots of colours, but I stuck with white as that is the colour hair I normally use.
The shop adoness had two hair gifts, both in black with a red streak. The first here is called 'pythoness' and is a short hair in a ruffled style. Quite nice, even though it is not my usual colour. I think I will even keep it, I may use it some time.
The other hair from adoness was 'toffsy', also a bit of a ruffled style, but less so than the previous. Some curls in the back on this one, and a bit of volume. I liked this one better than 'pythoness' actually.
Alice Project had a hair called 'Erika' (and 'Erika II', although I could see no difference) which came with two HUD:s to change the texture of the hair. There were a LOT of choices, and you get a preview function on the texture change where the HUD applies the texture for 60 seconds, before changing back. The unfortunate thing with this hair was that once you pick a texture, a bright red streak appears in the front. So you could use this as is, white, or you could just view it as a demo.
Next was Alli&Ali, one of my favourite stores, since ALL their hair resizes to proper size (for me of course). Unlike last year, they didn't have any specific Petite hair in their gift, but as I just mentioned, their hair sizes down, so I resized a few of the styles to show you. There were many more hairs than what I have here, so by all means pop by and pick up your own goodie bag.
First there is 'Amandine' in Light Copper Blonde. Very sweet style, long updo I guess you could call it. A hair that would suit pretty much any style of clothing, from modern to medieval.
Then there is 'Anderson' in Light Brown. A male style, but it works for women to, and looks exceptionally good on me, in my own opinion. Short, with a little flex on top and upswept bangs.
Another male style, and this is one I will keep, because it came in my colour. 'McCool' is a short hair with a little flex in the back and on top. A bit of a rocker style hair, I think, very stylish. Also works quite well for women as well as men.
And finally here is 'Ramona' in Split White-Black. A shoulder-length style that is literally split down the middle, half white and half black. A little unconventional, but very nice I think. This one is a keeper as well.
Amacci was giving away a pack of their hair 'Lova' and I'm showing off the version in white here. It came in many more colours. A somewhat severe bob with straight bangs, which resized perfectly. I think it sets off the pixie face of the Petite avatar quiet nicely.
From Bliensen + MaiTai we have another bob, this one with a bit of curl in the front. It is called 'Modern Times' and certainly has a modern feel to it. Me likey.
Calico also had three other styles that I have not unpacked yet, but they look nice in the pictures. 'Denise', 'Mandy' and 'Renata', and I assume they also come with texture change HUD:s.
Clawtooth had a long style called 'Dear Heart' in three colours, Dreamy Red, Dusty Black, and Wheat, which is the one I am wearing in the pictures. Again, resized very well using Edit.
This next hair I think I will keep even though it is a bright green, but it is just so adorable. It is a bob with pigtails, with bows that come separate for the pigtails. It resizes very well using Edit and was easy to get into the right position on my little head. Can be worn with or without the bows.
Tameless had 'Dori' in their gift back, in Naturals. That means it is texture change in natural hair colours, like browns, blondes, and so on. I of course turned mine white. It resized, but again as with the other hair above I would have wanted it a wee bit smaller. However, it works. That is to say, it doesn't look like I have a dead animal on my head. 'Dori' is a loose style that is just short of shoulder-length, with a single hair pin holding the bangs. Nice flex and overall a cute hair.
And last, but not least, Vanity Hair. They were giving away a pack of 'Morea'. Here shown in Silver (what else?) it is a longer bob-type style with straight bangs and not much volume. With the short round face on the Petite avatars, this hair can make the face seem longer and thinner, adding a little variation to your avatar.
Well, there you have it, all the Hair Fair freebies that will work for a Petite avatar. My suggestion: go pick up some gifts and have a peek at the gorgeous hair available for sale from all these amazing designers. The best time to go will be right in the middle time, after the inital rush and before the panicked late-comers crowd in during the last two or three days.
Enjoy your Second Life!
fredag 12 juli 2013
Second Life - A Petite Body and Soul
Well I am just spitting out blog posts lately, but I am finding so much inspiration in Second Life right now. This time it is mostly pictures because I found a new (to me) shop that has skins, eyes and shoes for Petites. Some of you may know about it, it has been in SL for quite a while I believe.
The Skin You're In (TSYI) has been offering skins and other body parts for biggies for years, and now they also have skins and eyes for Petites. Currently you can get two of the skins for free just by going to visit the store and joining the group, which is free to join. One of the skins is a rezzday gift and the other is a group gift. Both use a script and applier HUD, but the scripts come with very comprehensible instructions and anyone with basic prim editing skills should be able to do this.
This first picture shows Shanna, the rezzday gift skin. It comes with two appliers, one with cleavage and one without. It is a very nice tanned tone with light make-up.
The second skin is Mary, current group gift at the petite store. A lighter skin tone, but still with only light make-up, something that appeals to me personally.
I got a closeup of the face, here using the Mary skin, to show the eyes better, but it did not come out as well as I had hoped. I think you can still get an idea though, and since you are going to the store anyway, you can see more images there of the eyes. Here I am wearing 'Sparkle Eyes BlueGreen' and they really are a very lovely BlueGreen colour.
Next we have some shoes. I bought these flat sandals because I was tired of flip flops, and black high heeled ankle boots just are not the right footwear when you are going fishing. These come with a HUD to change skin and nail colours, and have a touch menu to change the colour of the straps. You have to zoom in fairly close to get to the touch menu, as it is in the actual straps, but it isn't too difficult to access and it has literally thousands of colour combinations since you work with changing increments of Red Green and Blue. Finally you can have shoes the exact same colour as that favourite top! Note in the second picture the cute little dangly detail on the side. It is those little things that can make all the difference.
Just to get some variation, I have some non-practical shoes as well. Here a Strappy Heel that also comes with a HUD for changing skin and nail colour. It is very stylish, don't you think? These do not have the colour change menu like the flats do, but they are cute just the way they are, I think.
And last, but certainly not least, the Heart Strap Shoes. Very sweet little heels that go perfectly with any dress. The colour does not change, but it is a fairly neutral colour that goes with most other colours. Note the adorable little heart at the front holding the straps.
I would also like to mention the other items I am wearing in these pictures. The clothing is from Carriage Trade Miniatures, a store that no longer has an in-world location, but all of the items are available on the Marketplace, and new items are added fairly frequently.
The hair is Bonnie (browns) from Tameless. They have the best hair in SL, I think, mostly because it is mesh and so less laggy than flexi prim hair. Bonnie is available from the Lucky Chairs, and actually comes in biggie size, but as you can see it resizes down to Petite size very well.
The jewellery is from Two Sisters Treasures Petites and the set is called Juniper Rainbow. It was offered as group gift for May. They change their gifts once a month, but often add additional gifts throughout the month and have a Midnight Mania board, as well as many 10L items. Very affordable and cute items.
There you have it, some pretty shinies, cute shoes and a nice skin, what more can a Petite ask for?
Enjoy your Second Life!
The Skin You're In (TSYI) has been offering skins and other body parts for biggies for years, and now they also have skins and eyes for Petites. Currently you can get two of the skins for free just by going to visit the store and joining the group, which is free to join. One of the skins is a rezzday gift and the other is a group gift. Both use a script and applier HUD, but the scripts come with very comprehensible instructions and anyone with basic prim editing skills should be able to do this.
This first picture shows Shanna, the rezzday gift skin. It comes with two appliers, one with cleavage and one without. It is a very nice tanned tone with light make-up.
I got a closeup of the face, here using the Mary skin, to show the eyes better, but it did not come out as well as I had hoped. I think you can still get an idea though, and since you are going to the store anyway, you can see more images there of the eyes. Here I am wearing 'Sparkle Eyes BlueGreen' and they really are a very lovely BlueGreen colour.
Next we have some shoes. I bought these flat sandals because I was tired of flip flops, and black high heeled ankle boots just are not the right footwear when you are going fishing. These come with a HUD to change skin and nail colours, and have a touch menu to change the colour of the straps. You have to zoom in fairly close to get to the touch menu, as it is in the actual straps, but it isn't too difficult to access and it has literally thousands of colour combinations since you work with changing increments of Red Green and Blue. Finally you can have shoes the exact same colour as that favourite top! Note in the second picture the cute little dangly detail on the side. It is those little things that can make all the difference.
Just to get some variation, I have some non-practical shoes as well. Here a Strappy Heel that also comes with a HUD for changing skin and nail colour. It is very stylish, don't you think? These do not have the colour change menu like the flats do, but they are cute just the way they are, I think.
And last, but certainly not least, the Heart Strap Shoes. Very sweet little heels that go perfectly with any dress. The colour does not change, but it is a fairly neutral colour that goes with most other colours. Note the adorable little heart at the front holding the straps.
I would also like to mention the other items I am wearing in these pictures. The clothing is from Carriage Trade Miniatures, a store that no longer has an in-world location, but all of the items are available on the Marketplace, and new items are added fairly frequently.
The hair is Bonnie (browns) from Tameless. They have the best hair in SL, I think, mostly because it is mesh and so less laggy than flexi prim hair. Bonnie is available from the Lucky Chairs, and actually comes in biggie size, but as you can see it resizes down to Petite size very well.
The jewellery is from Two Sisters Treasures Petites and the set is called Juniper Rainbow. It was offered as group gift for May. They change their gifts once a month, but often add additional gifts throughout the month and have a Midnight Mania board, as well as many 10L items. Very affordable and cute items.
There you have it, some pretty shinies, cute shoes and a nice skin, what more can a Petite ask for?
Enjoy your Second Life!
torsdag 11 juli 2013
Second Life - How Many Petites Does It Take To Eat A Melon?
This is something I have been wondering for a long time, and suddenly along comes the way of finding out the answer! Torty took a melon and sliced it up into eight slices, then she went and hid the slices all around the Petite Forum area. Now it is up to you, all you Petites out there, to find them and help us eat them!
But wait, there's more! Not only do you get to gorge yourselves on yummy melon, you also get to take home some prizes! Yes, it's true! I have posted the picture here below of all the prizes, together they make a full set of living room furniture, including a fireplace and a bunch of really cute little decorative items.
However, since I already scurried all over the area and tasted the melon slices (don't worry, I washed them with alcohol afterwards, no germs), I happen to know that they can be a bit iffy to find, especially if you have never been to the Petite Forum before. So, I decided to put all the hints up on here, just in case you have trouble finding one of the slices, you can go to the next one and come back to the other one later. Because believe you me, you will want the full set.
The first hint you can get from the hunt poster sign at the landing point HERE. The sign is just next to the greeter bot (yes yes I know I should not call her that, but it is what she is). So pick up your hint and go hunting. Here is the list:
#1. I can be found where the stars gather!
Prize: Torty's Petite Nomad Chair v2
#2. I could lay an egg up here.
Prize: Torty's Petite Nomad Lavender (is what the item says, but if you look you'll see it's a multiple object, so be sure to be in edit mode when you rezz it out. It is actually a pot of lavender, a plate of oranges, a book, and a table lamp)
#3. Floating away on the air, I can cross all 3 sims.
Prize: Torty's Petite Nomad Coffee Table
#4. I see wonderful things in your future.
Prize: Torty's Petite Nomad End Table
#5. Glowing mushrooms seem to grow here. Must be the steam.
Prize: Torty's Petite Nomad Wall Art
#6. It was such a long trip here, I had to wash my clothes outside.
Prize: Torty's Petite Nomad Fireplace (how did she fit a whole fireplace in a melon slice???)
#7. VROOOOOOM! I plan to win!
Prize: Torty's Petite Nomad Rug
#8. ARRRRRR matey!
Prize: Torty's Petite Nomad Sofa v2
AND a Secret Prize! I won't tell you what that is though, you will just have to find the melon slice and see for yourself.
So go out and get hunting! We must solve this mystery once and for all of how many Petites it takes to eat a melon! And hurry to, because by some inexplicable twist of fate, or magic, every single melon slice will get all slimy and mouldy on the last day of this month. And that is just nasty.
Also, Enjoy your Second Life!
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Here is what you are looking for. Don't mind the bite marks, I did wash it, in rum. |
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Torty's Petite Nomad Living Room Set. Isn't it gorgeous? |
onsdag 10 juli 2013
Second Life - Unexpected Success
A while ago I saw a notice in the group for the store "The White Armory" about a contest for finding "Miss TWA 2013". On a lark, I sent in a picture. Imagine my surprise when a few weeks later I find out that I made the quarter final. So I sent in a new picture, like the instructions said, still not really taking it too seriously. I figured perhaps there weren't that many entries and I got to the quarter final by default.
Yesterday I received a notecard that said I was now in the semi final, and with instructions on how to proceed. I suppose it could be another coincidence, perhaps enough people dropped out of the contest that I again passed through by default. In any case, I sent in my photos, but I have to say I am taking the contest a little more seriously now and starting to worry about the possibility that I might actually win.
Although honestly it's flattering that I've got this far even. I really hope I'll get to the final, especially after shooting my last two photos. In my efforts to make them as good as possible with the tools provided in-world, I crashed four times because I had the settings up higher than my crappy laptop can handle.
Anyway, I've posted the pictures below that I sent for the initial choice and for the quarter final. Decide for yourself if it's a coincidence or on purpose.
Enjoy your Second Life!
Yesterday I received a notecard that said I was now in the semi final, and with instructions on how to proceed. I suppose it could be another coincidence, perhaps enough people dropped out of the contest that I again passed through by default. In any case, I sent in my photos, but I have to say I am taking the contest a little more seriously now and starting to worry about the possibility that I might actually win.
Although honestly it's flattering that I've got this far even. I really hope I'll get to the final, especially after shooting my last two photos. In my efforts to make them as good as possible with the tools provided in-world, I crashed four times because I had the settings up higher than my crappy laptop can handle.
Anyway, I've posted the pictures below that I sent for the initial choice and for the quarter final. Decide for yourself if it's a coincidence or on purpose.
Enjoy your Second Life!
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First photo submitted. The gown is 'Celtic Queen' by The White Armory. |
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Second photo submitted. This time I am wearing one of the new mesh gowns, of the White Tree series. This one is called 'Keeper of the White Tree'. |
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